About Dana
Hello! My name is Dana Leeds. Welcome to my website!
I recently developed the Leeds Method of DNA color clustering which helps other genealogists and adoptees easily sort and interpret DNA test results so they can identify cousins, ancestors, and unknown close, biological family members.
Traditional Genealogy
Are you a traditional genealogist who either wants to include DNA in your research or are struggling to make sense of your results? If you want your DNA results to help you, but you don’t want to spend a lot of time learning about DNA and working with your results, the Leeds Method can help you. Genetic clusters are a key to working with DNA, and this method creates the clusters quickly and they are visually easy to see.
Unknown Parentage Cases
Are you an adoptee, a Search Angel, or working with an Unknown Parentage case? I developed the Leeds Method of creating “color clusters” with DNA matches while working with an adoptee who had already identified her biological mother. I wanted to concentrate on those close cousins who were related on her biological father’s side, but I wasn’t sure how. That’s how the Leeds Method started, and it is a great tool for helping in cases where the cousin and their relationships are unknown and often without a tree.
My Experience
I have a bachelor’s degree in biology education and started doing traditional genealogy twenty years ago. Five years ago, I took my first DNA test. Now, I’m thrilled that my passions for genealogy, science, and teaching have merged!
Early in 2018, I started working with my first adoptee case as a “Search Angel.” The list of names was unknown to me, their relationships uncertain, and often they lacked trees. I needed a way to sort those matches so I could concentrate on finding relatives who matched this adoptee on her biological father’s side.
Thank you!
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you find both my method and my posts helpful. I am continuing to refine the method since first introducing it to the public in August of 2018.
I’d love to hear from you! You can leave a comment, email me at leeds_dana@yahoo.com or find me on Facebook as Dana Stewart Leeds.