Family Stories

Do Your Children Know Any of Their Great-Grandparents?

Paula Stuart-Warren posted about the birth of her first great grandchild. Then, she talked about how many great-grandparents her children knew, and how many great-grandparents she knew. That got me thinking about the relationship my daughter has had with four of her great-grandparents. (I only had one great-grandparent living when I was born, but she lived across the country and died when I was less than 2 months old.)

One of my husband’s grandmother’s died when my daughter was about 14 months old. Sadly, she had an advanced case of Alzheimer’s. She kept thinking my baby girl was a baby boy! We only have a few photos of them together. I love this photo!

This is Grandpa H holding my daughter. He turned 80 years old two days after she was born. They first met when she was about 1 month old and I surprised him with this homemade shirt that says “I [heart] my Great Grandpa.” He passed away last May in his mid-90’s.

And this is my baby girl with Grandpa H’s wife, Grandma H. She is still living and we get to see her quite a few times each year. If Grandpa H would have lived until August last year, they would have celebrated 70 years of marriage!

We recently moved and I can’t find a photo of my daughter with her other great grandmother – my Grandmother K. We lived far apart, but they got to see each other three times before my grandmother passed away when my daughter was about 3 1/2. I have a lovely 4 generation professional photo taken of the two of them with my mom and myself.

What about you… did you know any of your great grandparents? Or did your children know theirs?

Do we share common ancestors? I’d love to talk! Please leave a comment or email me at

2 thoughts on “Do Your Children Know Any of Their Great-Grandparents?

  • I "met" my great-grandmother when I was a baby. I shared a four-generation photo here. I have one with my son as a newborn and 4-generations, and another of my oldest brother and a different 4-generations. I love 4 (or more) generation photos!

  • I love the pictures with the great-grandparents — there's so much history, along with so much promise, in those pictures! Very nice post —


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