Automated Clustering

DNAGedcom Client’s NEW Collins’ Leeds Method 3D

Have you tried DNAGedcom’s new Collins’ Leeds Method 3D? It’s one of several new tools that automatically creates clusters of your DNA matches.

Here’s an example of an Excel version – the version I’ve been using:

The chart shows colored clusters of people who are shared DNA matches from Although these are just clues, the people in each group likely share a common ancestor.

The grey cells outside of the colored clusters show additional shared matches. These squares indicate people who match more than one cluster. You can determine which clusters by looking horizontally and vertically for the intersecting colored clusters.

Kitty Cooper published a great tutorial on DNA match clustering and, specifically, how to use the DNAGedcom Client’s Collins’ Leeds method 3D (CLM 3D): More Automated DNA Match Clustering!

A great place to stay up to date with this new tool is Facebook’s group, “dnagedcom user group.”

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