Yesterday, I drove to Clinton County, Pennsylvania with three of my dad’s first cousins. One of them, Tom, I had met last year. But, his two sisters, Sally and Ellen, I had just met. We spent part of the day at the Ross Library in Lock Haven, and also ‘toured’ three cemeteries looking for our ancestors headstones.
While I’d seen a photo of the headstone for my 4th great grandparents, Robert and Frances (Quigley) Stewart, I was surprised at the size of it! Laid to rest in one far corner of the cemetery, their two headstones are set into a giant slab of concrete.
Robert’s epitaph appears to say:
Farewell my wife and children all
From you a father Christ doth call
Mourn not for me, it is vain
To call me to your sight again.
P.S. I checked in at La Roche College for GRIP (Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh) and am ready for a wonderful week!
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