German Genealogy

My First Genealogy Presentation!!!

After many hours of preparation, I gave my first genealogy presentation on Friday! It was to my (wonderful) local genealogy group. We are usually in a bigger room and can hold more attendees, but we were in the computer lab since early voting was taking place. It was a GREAT first experience!

The presentation, titled “Tracing German Families Using Online Records,” highlighted my search for my Peters family which I shared “live” on my blog. Besides this case study, I often shared tips for researching German families in Germany.

12 thoughts on “My First Genealogy Presentation!!!

  • Congratulations, Dana! I'm sure the audience got lots of good ideas and information from your talk.

    • Thanks, Linda. I'm excited about this new "chapter" in my genealogy life!

  • Congratulations! I'm considering putting together a presentation on the how-tos and benefits of blogging for genealogists. If you have any advice for a novice speaker, let me know.

    • That would be a great presentation topic, Elizabeth. I'll leave you a note! 🙂

  • Well done, Dana. Wishing you every success going forward.

    • Thanks, Dara. I have been a teacher all of my adult life and am excited to be able to teach on genealogy, a subject I am passionate about!

    • Thanks, Debi. The following week, I got to do the presentation for the evening class. I improved my slide show and REALLY improved my handout. I'm so glad I did this! I learned a lot from the experience, and hope those in attendance did, too.


    Maybe I missed something about how your method works, but after you establish #1, why are numbers 2, 6, and 8 selected?

    • Hi, Barbara. I think your comment might have posted on the wrong post. Can you look again and get back to me?


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