
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Survey of Genealogical Activities

It’s Saturday night and time for Randy’s weekly challenge at Genea-Musings. This week’s challenge is to discuss some of your genealogical activities. So let’s get started!

    1. Which genealogy software programs for your computer do you use (e.g., Family Tree Maker, Reunion, GRAMPS, etc.)? I use RootsMagic, though I used Family Tree when I started years ago.
    2. Which online family trees have information submitted by you – in either a separate online tree (e.g., Ancestry Member Tree) or a universal (collaborative) online tree (e.g., WikiTree)? I’ve only submitted to Ancestry.
    3. For which subscription genealogy record providers (e.g., Ancestry) do you have a subscription? AncestryMocavoNewspapers.comGenealogy BankHistoryGeoFindMyPast (bought credits, not an actual subscription), Fold3
    4. Which FREE genealogy record providers (e.g., FamilySearch) do you use regularly? Family Search, FindAGrave, Google
    5. How much time do you spend each week doing actual genealogy research online? [Note: not reading, or social networking, but actual searching in a record provider]. Estimate an average number of hours per week. 14 hours per week
    6. How much time do you spend each week doing actual genealogy research in a repository (e.g., library, archive, courthouse, etc.)? Estimate an average number of hours per month over, say, a one year period. 4 hours per week
    7. How much time do you spend each week adding information to your genealogy software program (either on your computer or online)? Estimate an average number of hours per week over, say, a one month period. 4 hours per week
    8. How much time do you spend each month at a genealogical society meeting, program or event (not a seminar or conference)? Estimate an average number of hours per month over, say, a one year period. 1 hour per month
    9. How much time do you spend each month on genealogy education (e.g., reading books and periodicals, attending seminars, conferences, workshops, webinars, etc.)? Estimate an average number of hours per month over, say, a one year period. 3-4 hours per month
    10. How much time do you spend each week reading, writing and commenting on genealogy blogs, websites, and social media? Estimate an average number of hours per week over, say, a one month period. 4 hours per week

Do we share common ancestors? I’d love to talk! Please email me at

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