Here’s an excerpt from an interesting letter I found in a relative’s Civil War service record today. It appears to be written by a Captain Hogle and is dated February 21st, 1865. It starts by explaining when and where he enlisted and that he had served faithfully for a year and was experiencing good health. But, that changed on the night of August 3rd, 1864… when he was struck by lightning! …since which time, he has been wholly unable for duty. The lightning struck the right side of the head, face and shoulder extending down the arm, side, thigh, leg...
Carrie, over at “Under the Nut Tree Genealogy” participated in an older Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge today. This post, from January 18th of this year, is titled “How Many Children/Grandchildren in Your Matrilineal Line?” I thought I’d participate as I didn’t have a blog in January. Here’s the challenge: Consider your Matrilineal Line (mother’s mothers mother’s, etc.) families – the ones from your mother back through her mother all the way back to the first of that matrilineal line in your family group sheets or genealogy database. List the names of these mothers, and their lifespan years. Use your paper...
Randy has posted his latest Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge on GeneaMusings. This week’s challenge is titled “Two Degrees of Separation.” Here’s the assignment: Using your ancestral lines, how far back in time can you go with two degrees of separation? That means “you knew an ancestor, who knew another ancestor.” When was that second ancestor born? Tell us about it in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this blog post, in a status line on Facebook or a stream post on Google Plus. Randy broke his down by line, so I thought I would, too....