The Leeds Method
If you want to learn about the Leeds Method, you’ve come to the right place! On this page, I have linked to my posts about the Leeds Method and the automated tools based on this method.
In July 2018, I worked with a man who had a huge DNA surprise: his parents were not his biological parents. While helping him identify his biological family, I created the Leeds Method. This method uses a spreadsheet to sort DNA matches into color groups based on shared ancestors. It often creates four groups of DNA matches based on four grandparent lines.
This revolutionary method helps those searching for biological parents and other close biological family members, but it also helps traditional genealogists work with more distant family mysteries.
YouTube Videos
If you prefer learning through videos, I’ve got great news! In May 2024, I launched a YouTube channel filled with resources to help you succeed. Don’t miss my dedicated “Leeds Method” playlist—it’s packed with helpful content. While you’re there, be sure to explore my other videos for even more tips and tools! Check out my Leeds Method playlist HERE.
Blog Posts on the Leeds Method
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with the Leeds Method
- Adding in Your Closer Matches
- Adding in Your 4th Cousins
- More with 4th Cousins
- Identifying the Repeating Surnames in Your Clusters
- Organizing Your Leeds Method Charts
- Analyzing Your Leeds Method Charts
- Labeling Your Clusters
- Diagramming Your Charts: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3
- The Leeds Method Chart: A Worksheet
- Adding # of cM and Tree vs. No Tree
- Using Ancestry’s Custom Groups (colored dots) with the Leeds Method
Genetic Affairs’ AutoCluster
- Getting Started with Genetic Affairs’ AutoCluster
- What are the Grey Cells?
- Using Ancestry’s Custom Groups with AutoCluster
- Using ThruLines and AutoCluster
- Diagramming Your Charts: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3