Research Tips

The Notorious Brawdy Family, Part 4 (Robbed & Beaten)

This is a series of posts about the startling discoveries we made at GRIP (July 2014) in the Intermediate Genealogy class. Our head instructor, Paula Stuart-Warren, chose a random Pittsburgh will for us to research and see what we could uncover about the family. She had no idea of the amazing stories we would find..

Here’s another newspaper clipping about the ‘notorious Brawdy family’ from the Penn State University Libraries online collection.

“Pittsburgh Daily Gazette and Advertiser,” March 2, 1868.

Another Brawdy [?ease] Case – A Man Robbed of $200 and Severely Beaten

We have but little sympathy for the man who, in consequence of frequenting any of the vile dens of prostitution with which our city is so well supplied, is robbed of his money, or even if he receives a sound “body beating,” yet this does not prevent us from protesting against the tolerance of these places by the city authorities. It is for the purpose of calling attention to the matter only that we give publicity to such cause as the following: James Hallman, yesterday made information before Alderman McMasters charging Martin Brawdy with felonious assault and battery, in which he stated that on Friday night he visited a den of infamy on Pennsylvania avenue, kept by John Langdon, and that during his stay he was drugged and robbed of two hundred dollars. He left the premises the next morning in a semi-drunken state, and consequently did not discover his loss until he arrived at his hotel. He immediately returned to the house and demanded his money, when he was set upon by Martin Brawdy, who beat him with an iron poker, inflicting seven cuts on his head and face. He then returned and made the information as above, and also against John Langdon, Carry Fisher, Mary Acr[e], a girl named Alice, and Martin and Thomas Brawdy, charging them with keeping a disorderly house. The mother of two of these defendants is now in jail serving out a sentence for the same offence, and if the facts in this case be as stated her sons should keep her company.

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