After discovering Ephraim P Bennett in the Missouri State Prison on the 1900 census, I emailed the Missouri State Archives about his penitentiary records. First of all, they were incredibly helpful and emailed back within hours. And, they explained how to order his two-page record. The cost: only $1!
I had never seen a penitentiary record before and wasn’t sure what it would contain. It is actually quite interesting and helpful! The record book is obviously a large book as I got two 11×17 pages. I don’t have a scanner that can scan that will scan those, so I’m going to share 4 images which are really a two-page spread.
I thought the physical descriptions were really interesting. My favorite columns were the “length of foot,” “whiskers worn,” “habits of life,” and “education.”
- Register No: 12163
- Name; Ephraim P Bennett
- Age: 53
- Nativity: Tenn[essee]
- Trade: farmer
- Height: 5 ft 10 1/4 in
- Length Foot: 10 1/2
- Hair: Dark
- Eyes: Gray
- Complexion: Dark
- Whiskers Worn: Full Beard
- Religion: None
- Habits of Life: Temp[erance] [everyone on the page says the same thing]
- Education: R & W [Reading & Writing]
- Former Imprisonment: None
- Marks and Scars:
- Single Parent Compton Mo. [Missouri]
- Scar left side neck
- ” muscle left arm
- ” back first finger left hand
- ” inside right wrist
- Wright 172 [everyone on page says this & I wonder if it is a mark for whoever is describing the person]
- Offense: T. C. – Murder 2nd Deg. [everyone else says “P. G.”, not “T. C.” but I don’t know what these mean… maybe it relates to the offense?]
- County: Dallas
- Sentence: 10 Ten Years from Oct 16 1894
- Marks and Scars:
- Term of Court: Oct 1894
- When Received: Oct 20 1894
- Expiration of Sentence:
- Full Time: Oct 16 1902
- Three-Fourths Time: April 16 1902
- Discharged: [stamped] Discharged under 3/4 law [not all readable] [stamped] APR 15 1902
P.S. I am new to doing citations and have both looked in Elizabeth Shown Mill’s “Evidence!” and searched the internet and cannot find an example of a way to write this source. Any help would be appreciated!
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